There are a number of high-impact but unobtrusive ways to learn more about how users interact with your site and your brand. Learn about your users and how they interact with your site. You'll get a better understanding of the types of tracking tools, the information you can glean, and how to ensure your data tracking is responsible, transparent, and accessible.
Site owners fear the day their site “breaks down.” Performing a site audit can ensure you understand the current state of your site, from the back end code level to the front end performance. It can also help you forecast potential problems when adding future features. Attendees will learn the basic building blocks of performing a technical audit.
Nobody loves writing or responding to request for proposals (RFPs) but it is often a necessary process. We will discuss the steps it takes to write a good website RFP, but also how to attract the right vendors to bid and what to do to make this process an educational and meaningful experience.
Inclusivity is at the heart of an effective content strategy. We'll review what we can do as content authors to ensure our readers feel that we are speaking with them, not at them. We’ll look beyond the semantic markup and structured content to see the strategic value of inclusive, well written content.
Finding the right CMS for your site feels like the classic “needle in a haystack” problem. Thoughtful platform selection is critical to your online success over the long term. Learn how to sort through the tools to find the best fit for your organization.
We write occasionally about development, design, and the state of the web. We also do like creating the occasional Spotify playlist, so it's worth it to sign up just for that alone. We don't send more than monthly, so we won't overwhelm your inbox.